Children at BMPC

Children’s Ministry at BMPC has two parts: Preschool and Elementary. Our goal is to share the Love of God with the children of our church through a range of programs and events. If you have any questions, please reach out to Alice Patton (, Director of Preschool Ministry or Brittany Williams (, Director of Children’s Ministry.

Events and Announcements

Sunday Mornings at BMPC

Every Sunday

  • Family Worship at 10am: Gather for an informal worship service for all ages, but especially appropriate for children and their caregivers We will meet outside in the courtyard (or inside in the Narthex) and we invite participation in all facets of worship!

  • Nursery Care from 8:30am - 12:15pm: The Nursery is available during both services for children under three-years-old.

  • Extended Session: Three to five-year-olds are invited to attend the 11am worship service and then leave after Faith Sharing with Children for Extended Session, which is play time with a story.

  • Kids Corner: In the Narthex we have a play area for children who might have extra wiggles in church! This area is a place where you can bring your child to color, read, or play while still be able to listen and engage in worship.

  • Faith Formation Cart: Before entering the Sanctuary on Sunday, have your child get a Worship Bag and add items from the cart that will keep them busy during the service. Then just return the bag in the basket after worship ends!

  • Growing in God’s Love Storybook Bibles: These are located in every pew for children to look at while attending worship.

Acolyte Program

This program is for kids in 2nd - 8th Grade and will provide an opportunity for children and MS youth to be more involved worship through the sensory and symbolic aspects by carrying in the Bible, Cross, Water, Light (candle lighter), Bread, Juice, Paraments. This program will tie in with other worship education/participation opportunities that include, music, arts, drama, liturgy and service/mission (giving). Children will sign up to help and will be given instruction and meaning-making experiences as they participate and prepare in the Sunday School hour 9:45-10:45 am, in RAD, and in Children’s Worship.

Contact Ms. Brittany or Pastor David if your child is interested in participating.